Suzy haven
Suzy is my sister, younger in age but some may say wiser in many ways! I am really close to my siblings, so the fact that all our children are too it’s one of the good things in life. Seen here with her two boys George and Monty.
Let me introduce you: You are my little sister! We probably have different takes on the fashion industry, what is your relationship with clothes?
I don’t have much of a relationship with clothes. I am a practical person so go for practical styles.
When I decided to launch the brand in 2018 what were your thoughts?
It was very exciting but thought you were crazy! You have worked so hard to develop the brand and you keep producing different items. I am very proud of what you have achieved.
You have a pair and a jacket and also my nephew also has one. What does owning these pieces mean to you?
Monty and I love our jackets. We are both proud to wear them. I love the comments from my friends, and I can tell them all about where it comes from and who designed it.